Jungle Island Music Festival 2024-原野音樂節

Friday, 15 Mar 2024 Sunday, 17 Mar 2024
15:00 — 20:00 HKT

Jungle Island Music Festival 2024-原野音樂節

by Studio 8.5 Co. Ltd. - Zicket


Islandclub 23 大嶼南 Tai Long HK

Sale ended

Unleash your soul. Reconnect in nature. Immerse in music. 讓你釋放靈魂 與大自然重新連結 沉浸在音樂中。

Experience the all-star Hong Kong line-up in Hong Kong's best festival location in nature - come to the Island. Our tickets have everything you need, including your entry for the whole weekend or for a day only and unlimited FUN!

Food and drink vendors are on-site with tickets coming. Limited tickets for pets are also available.

Our amazing line-up of live bands and DJs will be filling the dance floors of two stages showcasing the best of Hong Kong-based talent, so get ready to move and vibe as the experience continues from day through to night until the sun rises.


現場設有食品和飲料攤位。 也提供寵物^的限量門票。

令人驚嘆的現場樂隊和 DJ 陣容將充斥在兩個舞台,展示香港最優秀的音樂人才,大家準備好舞動起來,感受從白天到黑夜直到太陽升起的體驗。

Further there is a packed schedule of outdoor games and activities for you to participate in to create new memories with friends. Our camping experience is the perfect way to unwind after a day and night of dancing. We have options that include high-end Glamping, on-site camping with our prepared tents, and also the option to stay off-site with your own camping gear or on nearby Cheung Chau island. Get ready for the ultimate wild party experience like no other!

此外,還有豐富的戶外遊戲和活動供您參與,與朋友一起創造新的回憶。露營體驗是經過一天一夜的舞蹈後放鬆身心的完美方式。 我們提供的選擇包括豪華露營、使用我們準備好的帳篷,或使用您自己的露營裝備*在場外住宿或在附近的長洲住宿亦可。


Set out below are the terms and conditions relating to your attendance at “Jungle Island” to be held in Hong Kong from 15th-17th March 2024 (the “Event”) at Island Club, located at Tai Long, Lantau Island (the “Venue”) and organized by Studio 8.5 Co. Ltd (the “Jungle Island”).By purchasing a ticket and entering the Venue, you become a member of Island Club and you hereby agree to the following terms and conditions.

以下載列有關您參加將於 2024 年 3 月 15 日至 17 日在香港大嶼山 ISLAND CLUB(「場地」)舉行的「JUNGLE ISLAND」(「活動」)的條款及細則」)由Studio 8.5 Co. Ltd(「JUNGLE ISLAND」)主辦。購買門票人士明白已自動成為Island Club會員,並進入場地即表示您同意以下條款與條件。

  1. Provide your name and details and show photographic identification aligned to a ticket purchased 提供您的姓名和詳細信息,並出示與購買的門票一致的帶照片的身份證明
  2. All tickets are unique to each attendee, and duplicate tickets will be refused. To be admitted to the Venue and attend the Event, you must have a valid Ticket. 所有門票對於每位與會者來說都是唯一的,重複門票將被拒絕。要進入場地並參加活動,您必須持有有效門票。
  3. Jungle Island reserves the right to demand proof of age in the form of your Hong Kong Identity card, passport or other forms of proof of identity acceptable to Jungle Island. JUNGLE ISLAND 保留權利要求您提供香港身分證、護照或可接受的其他身分證明形式的年齡證明。
  4. Those under the age of 18 years must be accompanied by a parent or authorised guardian into the Venue. Children must have a valid ticket registered with a responsible adult. 18歲以下人士必須由父母或授權監護人陪同進入場,兒童必須持有有效門票並由成人負責登記。
  5. Upon admission to the Venue, you will be given a session-specific wristband that must be worn throughout the Event. Those who fail to present the session-specific wristband will not be readmitted.進入場地後,您將獲得一條特定時段的腕帶,必須在整個活動期間佩戴。 未能出示相關時段專用腕帶的人員將不會被重新進入。
  6. All tickets are non-refundable. 所有門票均不可退款。
  7. All tickets can be re-sold under the condition of attendee must change the name and contact details in the system on or before 10th March 2024. 所有門票均可重新出售,但參加者必須於2024年3月10日或之前更改系統中的姓名和聯絡資訊。。
  8. ONLY Pet under 12kg are allowed and required to have a ticket and to be assigned to their authorized owner or guardian who takes full responsibility for handling of the animal throughout the course of the event. The owner assumes full liability should the animal or another person or animal be harmed as a result of any and all action by the animal, its owner or guardian. The assigned owner or guardian must be responsible for cleaning up after the pet and may be asked to leave the venue at the discretion of the organiser. 僅允許攜帶 12 公斤以下的寵物,且必須額外持有門票並由其主人在整個活動過程中對寵物的行為承擔全部責任。 如果寵物或其主人的任何及所有行為導致其他人或寵物受到傷害,其主人則需承擔全部責任。主人必須負責清理寵物排泄物,否則JUNGLE ISLAND 可能會酌情要求其離開場地。
  9. Glamping is accessible only with a valid ticket in a designated campsite which can be identified by the sign boards. HK$1000 Deposits will be paid and the organizer reserves the right to withhold any or all deposits to compensate for any damages to the facilities provided. 豪華露營GLAMPING必須在指定露營地持有有效門票才能進入,營地可透過標誌牌識別。 需支付港幣 $1000 元押金,JUNGLE ISLAND保留扣留任何或全部押金的權利,以補償所提供設施的任何損壞。
  10. Camping on-site is accessible only with a valid ticket in a designated campsite which can be identified by the sign boards. Deposits will be paid and the organizer reserves the right to withhold any or all deposits to compensate for any damages to the facilities provided. 現場露營必須持有效門票才能進入指定露營地,露營地可透過標誌牌識別。 將支付押金,主辦單位保留扣留任何或全部押金的權利,以補償所提供設施的任何損壞。
  11. Full weekend and Day pass attendees may bring your own tent (BYOT) and choose to camp outside our venue at your own responsibility and risk. The organizers take no responsibility for belongings or personal wellbeing when using BYOT option. DAY PASS全週末和全日通行證的參與者可以自備帳篷 (BYOT),可選擇在我們的場地外露營,並自行承擔責任和風險。使用 BYOT 選項時,JUNGLE ISLAND對財物或個人不承擔任何責任。
  12. Jungle Island may implement crowd control measures based on the number of attendees.JUNGLE ISLAND 可能會根據出席人數實施人群控制措施。
  13. The ticket you have purchased is for the Event and Jungle Island reserves the right to alter or change the programme, line up and offerings without prior notification. 您購買的門票適用於該活動,JUNGLE ISLAND保留更改節目、陣容和產品的權利,恕不另行通知。
  14. Jungle Island reserves the right to change the artist/line up, activities, and cancel the Event at any stage, if deemed necessary in their sole opinion, or if circumstances arise which are outside their control, including but not limited to government restrictions and adverse weather conditions. Guests are advised to check our Instagram before their visit. If the Event is canceled or there are any changes to the line-up, Jungle Island will not be liable for the payment of any compensation or any loss of money and/or expenses incurred. In the event of the cancellation of the entire event, only the face value of the ticket will be refunded. JUNGLE ISLAND 認為有必要,或出現無法控制的情況,包括但不限於政府限制和天氣狀況及不利因素,Jungle Island 保留在任何階段更改藝術家/陣容、活動並取消活動的權利。 建議客人查看我們的 Facebook http://www. 和 Instagram https://www. 在他們來訪之前。如果活動被取消或陣容有任何變化,JUNGLE ISLAND 將不承擔任何賠償或由此產生的任何金錢損失和/或費用。 如果整個活動取消,則僅退還門票面額。
  15. No outside food, alcohol or soft drinks may be taken into the Venue. Food and beverages will be available to buy on-site. 嚴禁將外部食物、酒精或其他飲料帶入場地。食品和飲料可在現場購買。
  16. Jungle Island have zero-tolerance policy to illegal substances, drugs & dangerous goods (including but not limited to knives or similar weapons including chains, fireworks, explosives, lasers and laser pointers, drones, smoke, any goods or items using unauthorised event logos or brands, and any other item which in the sole opinion of Jungle Island endangers public safety. Anyone suspected or found in possession will be escorted from the venue. Jungle Island reserves the right to refuse re-entry to the Event and handed over to the Hong Kong police if necessary. Officers will also be actively searching for offenders. JUNGLE ISLAND 對非法物品、毒品和危險品(包括但不限於刀具或類似武器,包括鏈條、煙火、爆炸物、雷射和雷射筆、無人機、煙霧、任何使用未經授權的活動標誌或物品)採取零容忍政策品牌,以及任何其他JUNGLE ISLAND認為危害公共安全的物品。任何懷疑或被發現持有的物品都將被護送出場地。JUNGLE ISLAND 保留拒絕再次進入活動的權利,如有需要並將其移交給香港警方,警方也會積極搜尋違法者。
  17. Smoking is allowed in the venue however smokers must dispose of waste carefully in the designated portable ashtrays distributed on site. 場內允許吸煙,但吸煙者必須小心地將煙頭丟棄在場內指定位置或提供的便攜式煙灰缸中。
  18. Anyone caught littering, including inappropriate disposal if cigarettes, cigars, or other smoking paraphernalia will be asked to immediately leave the venue. 任何人被發現亂丟垃圾,包括不當處置香菸、雪茄或其他吸菸用具,將被要求立即離開會場。
  19. The following behaviours is expressly prohibited at the Event and Venue: 活動和場地明確禁止以下行為
    1. Underage drinking 未成年飲酒
    2. Unauthorised merchandising 未經授權的推銷
    3. Disruptive Behavior 破壞性行為
  20. Jungle Island reserves the right to remove any person participating in such prohibited activity from the Event and Venue.JUNGLE ISLAND 保留將任何參與此類禁止活動的人員驅逐出活動和場地的權利。
  21. The Event may be filmed and items used for internet streaming. By attending the Event you provide your consent to the use of your actual or simulated likeness in connection with the production, exhibition, advertising or exploitation of any film, video and/or audio recording of the Event or any element thereof in any media of whatever form throughout the world. You also agree to be filmed by security staff for the purpose of ensuring public security at the Event and preventing crime. 活動可能會被拍攝並用於網路串流媒體。參加活動即表示您同意在任何媒體中使用您的實際或模擬肖像來製作、展覽、廣告或利用活動的任何電影、視頻和/或音頻記錄或其任何元素。形式遍及世界各地。您也同意由保安人員拍攝,以確保活動公共安全並預防犯罪。
  22. Unless death or personal injury is caused by JUNGLE ISLAND's negligence or omission, attendees are responsible for their own actions and valuables, death, injury, property damage, loss, or any other financial losses or any consequential losses due to accidents or misfortunes, or arising out of or related to this event. You agree that JUNGLE ISLAND, event partners or sponsors do not need to make any compensation or assume any legal liability in this regard. 除非由JUNGLE ISLAND 其疏忽或不作為而導致死亡或人身傷害。參加者​​應對自己行為及貴重物品負責,因意外或不幸事故,或在此活動引起或與此活動相關的情況下死亡、受傷、財物損毀、遺失,或遭受任何其他經濟損失或任何隨之發生之損失。你同意JUNGLE ISLAND 、活動合作或贊助機構,毋須就此作出任何賠償或負上任何法律責任。
  23. Attendees are in good mental and physical condition and have the ability to cope with this event, and have not been diagnosed by a licensed doctor as being unfit to participate in this event. 閣下精神狀況良好及身體健康,並且有能力參與此活動,及未曾經執業醫生診斷體能不適合參與此活動。
  24. The terms and conditions set out herein shall be governed and construed in accordance with the laws and regulations of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People’s Republic of China and are subject to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the Hong Kong Court. 本協議所載條款及條件受中華人民共和國香港特別行政區法律法規管轄並依其解釋,並受香港法院的非專屬司法管轄權的管轄。

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