The Lawn Club
On The Lawn brought to you by The Lawn Club is alfresco entertainment at its best. From the producers of The Lawn Club and The Grounds, the series of lifestyle events promises to be a great day out with friends and family, featuring a range of premium food and beverage partners. There will also be masterclasses, lawn games, music and other themed entertainment to help you unwind. The series kicks off 27 April, so get ready for some great weekends. On the Lawn系列係由The Lawn Club帶俾您嘅最佳露天娛樂活動。來自The Lawn Club及The Grounds嘅製作人,這一系列嘅時尚生活活動結合一眾優質食品同埋飲品合作夥伴,保證提供到一個同家人朋友一齊歡度一日嘅最佳節目。此外,仲有大師班、戶外遊戲、現場音樂表演及其他娛樂節目,等您可以放鬆一下。呢一系列活動於2023年4月27日揭開序幕,所以準備約定朋友嚟參與連串咁正嘅節目喇。
AIA Vitality Park
33 Man Kwong Street
Hong Kong