Live Stand-Up Comedy: Mahesh. Maitreyi. Muk.

Friday, 24 May 2024
19:00 — 21:00 HKT

Live Stand-Up Comedy: Mahesh. Maitreyi. Muk.

by Comedy HK - Zicket


The Aftermath 57-59 Wyndham Street Hong Kong HK

Sale ended

Comedy.HK returns to its favorite venue with a kicking rad lineup of Hong Kong's best and brightest comedic talents!

Comedy.HK returns to its favorite venue with a kicking rad lineup of Hong Kong's best and brightest comedic talents! Featuring Mahesh Mansigani, Maitreyi Karanth, and Muk Venkataraman!


Mahesh Mansigani has always been the class clown, cracking his first joke at the age of 6 months old…however he couldn’t speak English at that time (or any language other than baby talk) so he was the only one that got it…. !

Performing has always been one of Mahesh’s favourite hobbies, and he took part in and presented many shows in school and at university. Post university Mahesh continued taking part in amateur productions and played the lead role in the 2005 Play ‘A Very Sindhi Wedding’ in his home town of London.

Mahesh first tried his hand at stand up in 2007 at a Takeout Comedy Stand up workshop….however he did not build up the nerve to debut at open mic night until early ‘09!

Since then Mahesh has been a finalist in the 3rd Hong Kong International comedy competition 2009, opened for major headliners including Kerri Louise, Paul Ogata and Wali Collins and also appeared on Phil Whelan’s RTHK radio 3 show ‘Morning Brew’.


Maitreyi Karanth an actor, producer took up stand-up comedy as just an extension of her real life persona, at the age of 44. Being married and having lived outside India for 22 years, first in the Middle East and now in Hong Kong, she has collected a treasure chest of funny experiences across different geographies and cultures.

After her very second open mic she was spotted by Saurabh Pant who was then touring Hong Kong and asked to open for him. Since then she has opened for Tom Cotter, Gina Yashere, Atul Khatri, Amit Tandon, Tom Rhodes, Paul Ogatta and Sean Patton. She has also performed in Bangkok, Singapore and India as a featured comedian, and starred in the film My Indian Boyfriend (2021), now streaming on Disney+.


Muk is born and raised in Hong Kong, and is well travelled living in 6 different countries.

He is highly educated, holding 3 university degrees and is somehow managing to use absolutely none of them as he is now a personal trainer and stand up comedian.

His comedy style is based on true life experiences, true stories where every time something good happens, misfortune prevails in extremely strange ways.


