AIA Vitality Hub



The AIA Vitality Hub is located at the Hong Kong Observation Wheel and AIA Vitality Park on the Central Harbourfront, and is a unique health and wellness venue built to engage the Hong Kong community and its visitors through an array of free classes and events, demonstrating AIA’s commitment to give back to the communities in which it operates. The activities are all designed to educate, motivate, and inspire people of all ages and all abilities to enjoy active lifestyles and adopt and maintain healthy living habits. From sunset yoga to circuit training, from children’s dance to senior’s fitness, there is something for everyone. Check out the schedule below to join us for a free class or follow us on Instagram and Facebook at @aiavitalityhub to stay up to date with the latest news and class releases. 友邦AIA Vitality健康總部位於中環海濱的香港摩天輪及友邦AIA Vitaltiy公園內,是一個獨特的身心靈健康場地,通過一系列的免費的身心靈健康課程及活動吸引香港社區和遊客,展現友邦保險致力回饋其業務所在的社區。 這些活動旨在教育、鼓勵和啟發不同年齡的人享受積極的生活方式和養成健康的生活習慣。由日落瑜伽到循環訓練; 由小朋友跳舞到老友記健身班,提供適合任何年齡的課堂。


Hong Kong Observation Wheel & AIA Vitality Park

33 Man Kwong Street


Hong Kong
